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The Jockey Club Kau Sai Chau Public Golf Course

Terms and Conditions 條款

Terms and Conditions of Using the Wireless Broadband Internet Access Service

By using the wireless broadband Internet access service (“the Service”), you are deemed to have read, understood and agreed with these terms and conditions. The Service is provided by The Jockey Club Kau Sai Chau Public Golf Course Limited (“the KSC”) to you on complimentary basis. The KSC reserves the right to terminate or suspend the Service at any time. The KSC provides the Service to you on an “as is” and “as available” basis only, and makes no other express or implied warranty whatsoever as to the quality, speed or stability of the Service. In this regard, you will note and acknowledge all the risks that are or may be associated with the KSC’s provision of the Service, and the fact that communications over the Internet may be subject to interruptions, transmission blackouts or delayed, incorrect or incomplete transmission due to factors or reasons such as internet traffic or the public nature of the internet. The Service uses unencrypted channel and the KSC does not guarantee the security or integrity of any data transmission using the Service. To conduct confidential matters or transmit confidential data, authorised users should use, if available in the relevant the KSC premises, the encrypted connection channel of the Service which provides better protection to confidentiality and integrity of data. Where such encrypted connection channels of the Service are not available, you are advised not to conduct confidential matters and/or transmit confidential data via the Services. In the KSC’s provision of the Service, you may have access to websites that are not under the KSC’s control. The KSC hereby expressly disclaims any warranty, responsibility, endorsement, approval, recommendation or preference of or for such third party, or the products and/or services provided thereon. Any use of or access to such third party websites or their products and/or services is solely at your own risk. The KSC is not liable for any malfunctioning of the communication facilities that may be used by the KSC in its provision of the Service. The KSC is also not be liable for any damage, loss or corruption of data, loss of profits, goodwill, bargain or opportunity or loss of anticipated savings incurred by you and resulting from your access to, or use of, or inability to use, the Service, whether such damage or loss may have been directly or indirectly caused, whether they may be incidental or consequential, and whether the KSC had knowledge or was advised of the possibility of such damage or loss. You agree and undertake not to use the Service for any unlawful, immoral or illicit purposes, and to promptly indemnify the KSC for all damage or loss that may be incurred by the KSC resulting therefrom. The KSC reserves its right to amend these terms and conditions as and when it deems appropriate. These terms and conditions are governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. In the event of any inconsistency between the English and Chinese versions of these terms and conditions, the English version shall prevail.



使用此無綫寬頻上網服務(“服務”),即視為閣下已細閱、明白和同意本使用條款。 此服務是由賽馬會滘西洲公眾高爾夫球場有限公司(“滘西洲”)免費向閣下提供。滘西洲保留隨時終止或暫停提供此服務的權利。滘西洲此服務是依“現況”及“現有”的基礎下提供。滘西洲並不為服務質素、速度或穩定性作出任何明示或隱含的保證。在這方面,閣下注意及認知所有與或有可能與滘西洲所提供的服務的一切有關風險,和基於網上交通流量或互聯網的公開性質等各種因素或原因所有互聯網通訊都有可能出現受到干擾、傳送停止或因網上交通流量而造成的資料延誤、不正確或不完整傳送這些情況。 此服務採用非加密連接。滘西洲不會爲使用服務中數據傳送的安全保密性或完整性作出任何保證。當獲授權使用者欲使用服務來處理私人機密的事項或傳送機密資料時,而其身處之滘西洲範圍內對數據的安全保密性和完整性提供較佳保護的加密連結通道,則應採用前述加密連結通道。如未有前述加密連結通道供應,獲授權使用者身則不應使用服務來處理私人機密的事項或傳送機密資料。 在滘西洲提供服務期間,閣下能進入非由滘西洲管控的網站。滘西洲在此明確地提出免責聲明,不為該等第三方或其提供的產品及/或服務作出任何保證、責任承擔、認可、批准、推薦或選擇。閣下須自行承擔進入或使用該第三方網站或其產品及/或服務的風險。滘西洲不會爲其在提供服務時使用的通訊設施的故障承擔任何責任。滘西洲亦不會就因閣下進入、使用或無法使用服務而蒙受的任何損害、數據的損失或損壞或利潤、商譽、交易、機會或預期節省的損失承擔任何責任,不論該損害或損失是直接或間接地造成、是附帶或相應和滘西洲是否知道或已被知會該損害或損失的可能性。 閣下同意及承諾不會為任何違法或不道德的目的使用服務,並會儘快就滘西洲因該違法或不道德使用而蒙受的所有損害和損失向滘西洲作出彌償。滘西洲保留其認為適當時對本使用條款作出更改的權利。 本使用條款受香港特別行政區的法律管制,並應依照香港特別行政區的法律解釋。如本使用條款的中文版本與英文版本有任何出入之處,概以英文版本為準。